Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Can Dairy Milk Be Consumed?

There are many controversial issues in food industry and dairy milk is one of them. Many claims that dairy milk can lead to calcium deficiency, increase breast cancer risk, acidify body and so forth. With such a wide range of claims, it is no wonder most people are confused about should we continue to consume dairy milk? With the increasing advancement of medicine and technology, milk controversy has gradually become clear. The source of this controversy lies not on milk, but rather on human factors.


Some dairy farmers may use high protein fodder to feed the cow as well as injecting antibiotics and growth hormones to enhance the health of the cows and to increase milk productions. Injection of antibiotic has been approved by the government to treat the unhealthy cows. However, the unhealthy cows can not be milked after the injection for 3-4 days as the antibiotic residues may move from blood into the milk. Without strict inspection, this contaminated milk will be sold to the market. High intake of such milk will increase the risk of developing prostate cancer and breast cancer as well as sexual immaturity among children.


Protein is the basic building block of life. Every single cell in our body needs protein, in other words life can not be sustained without protein. For a healthy adult, 0.8-1.0 grams of protein is needed for each kilogram of body weight. If an adult weighs 60 kgs, daily protein intake will be 48-60 grams. Imbalance protein intake will lead to health crisis. Protein deficiency delays growth among children, decreases metabolic rate and reduces immunity. Long term protein deficiency can even damage the organs. Whereas excessive protein intake may cause acidic body, accelerate calcium loss, burden kidneys and even cause death. There are many food containing protein such as dairy products, meat, poultry, eggs. seafood, beans and nuts. Thus, milk is not the only protein source from our daily diet!

Please be fair to dairy milk and do not put unnecessary accusation on it. It lis one of the most ancient drinks which contains most of the nutrients. To gain health, one can consume dairy milk from safe and reliable source to get the healthy balanced diet.

Stolle Skim Milk Powder is manufactured in New Zealand, one of the cleanest countries in the world that is known with its dairy farming and strict specifications in dairy industry. Hormones and antibiotic residues are not allowed by legislation. Stolle Skim Milk Powder passes through strict quality control before enetering the market. Therefore, it is absolutely a reliable source of protein. It can regulate immune system and protect us from diseases.

Try and drink Stolle Skim Milk Powder today to obtain great health!!

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